
上層分類: 科技管理學刊 各期學刊目錄

109年科技管理學刊第25卷學刊第二期 民國一○九年六月

Volume 25, Number 2 June 2020(若需下載全完請登入會員)

標題Article:科學技術基本法與大學在國家創新系統的整合: 以臺灣半導體技術創新活動為例

Fundamental Science and Technology Act and TheIntegration of Universities in National Innovation System:The Evidence in the Technological Innovation of TaiwaneseSemiconductor Technology

作者Aurthor蔡林彤飛、紀慧如、羅天祥 Tung-Fei Tsai-Lin,Hui-Ru Chi,Tien-Hsiang Lo

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

科學技術基本法自 1999 年通過,除對於我國政府科技創新政策產生重要影響,對於促進大學參與產業技術創新活動亦是重要的體制因素,使得大學能在技術發展過程整合至國家創新系統運 作中,與其他參與者共同促進國家整體技術創新成長。本研究以臺灣半導體產業技術創新活動為 觀察對象,透過 1988-2017 年近 30 年的不同國家創新系統參與者的發明專利時間序列資料進行共 整合分析,藉以了解大學在科技基本法立法前後與整體產業技術創新或與其他國家創新系統參與 者技術創新活動的關係。研究結果顯示大學技術創新活動與整體產業技術發展呈同向發展,立法 前國科會中介大學技術創新短期刺激產業技術創新效果明顯;立法後大學自主技術創新模式轉換 成長期的貢獻。再者,大學與企業技術創新立法後長期關係由正轉負,顯示大學與產業技術創新 具有時間落差;大學與政府技術創新立法後短期由負轉正、長期皆為正向關係,顯示政府角色由 替代大學轉換成橋接產業技術創新;大學與個人技術創新立法前後都是短期替代,長期在立法後 便無明顯關係,呈現個人申請在立法前後皆為大學發明人參與產業技術創新的替代機制。綜合上 述結果,本研究認為科技基本法確實改變大學參與國家創新系統的方式,讓大學得以整合至系統 運作,然立法後大學依然按照國家研發分工,與其他參與者沿著整體產業技術發展維持相對應長 短均衡關係,共同促進產業技術創新。 


English Abstract

After the enactment of Fundamental Science and Technology Act (STBL), it does
not only push the changes of S&T policies but also facilitate the universities to
engage in industrial innovation. Most importantly, it leads the universities to
integrate into the national innovation system (NIS) of Taiwan. To understand the
impact of STBL to the integration of universities in a NIS, the study employs an
empirical analysis on the technological innovation of semiconductor technology
in Taiwan. This study collects the utility patent filing in the sector from 1988 to
2017 across the before and after the legislation of STBL and uses a cointegration
analysis for time-series data on measure the relationship of technological
innovation between universities and other NIS’s actors. The results show that the
relationship between the universities and the whole technical development has
transformed from a short-run stimulus to a long-term contribution after the
passage of STBL. Furthermore, after the passage of the act, the technological
innovation of the universities has a time lead with the industrial firms to show a
negative relationship. On the relationship with the government, it transforms from
a substitutive to a coordinating relationship. However, it stays a substitutive role
with the innovation of the individual. This study confirms that the STBL has
promoted engagement in industrial innovation of the universities. Yet, the
universities still follow their position on the national R&D to co-coordinate with
other NIS's actors harmoniously in the industrial innovation.  

Keywords: STBL, University, National Innovation System, Semiconductor  Technology, Cointegration Analysis


Patent Development of the Universities after the Science &  Technology Basic Law Implemented: Evidence from the Aim  for the Top University Project

作者Aurthor王健航、江成欣、楊宜興 Jian-Hang Wang,Cheng-Hsin Chiang,Phil Yihsing Yang

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

美國 Bayh-Dole Act 法案實施 20 周年後,對美國的產業發展與技術移轉比例有促進的作用,但卻有專利數量增加、品質急遽下降的危機;在台灣實施科技基本法實施滿 20 年之際, 檢視此法對於鼓勵大學朝向創業型大學與學術創業發展的成效有其必要。本研究透過延伸專 業服務業的服務-銷售雙效權衡(service-sales ambidexterity)觀點,探究在科技基本法施行後, 大專院校的科研成果發表(服務)與品質(銷售)相輔相成的雙效行為。本研究以獲得「邁向頂尖計畫」補助的大學為主要分析對象,從1976年至2019年7月在Google Patents及PatentsView 專利資料平台收集各校在此區間內所獲得的相關專利資料,進行分析。研究發現,科技基本法的實施除讓高等院校重視專利技術權的保護,提高申請專利數量外,專利品質也受到重視。 在專利品質上,透過專利的被引用次數、維護、共同開發、授權與轉讓等決策,創造產官學 研的合作與擴散,建構能產生知識經濟效益的專利管理策略。本研究認為透過「科技基本法 與邁向頂尖計畫」的科技政策是促使台灣大專院校能兼顧專利數量(服務)與品質(銷售)雙效 行為的重要原因。本研究總結在良善的科技政策執行下,學校能透過雙效行為的正向養成, 發展有品質的科研成果;同時政府也能透過科研成果品質的衡量,進行科技政策的管理與調整。 


English Abstract

The Bayh-Dole Act is suggested to promote the increase of patent amounts in the
universities, but patent quality has dramatically decreased. The Science &
Technology Basic Law in Taiwan serves similar purpose as the Bayh-Dole Act,
but we do not know if Taiwan encounters the same problem. This study
investigates the patenting activities of the universities in Taiwan which were
funded by the aim for the top university project after Science & Technology Basic

Law implemented 20 years. We extend the perspective of professional service-
sales ambidexterity to science-technology collaboration, indicating that paper

publication and patenting are not conflict. We use patenting data between 1976
and 2019 from 18 universities. The data were searched from Google Patents and

PatentsView, including patent counts, citedby counts, maintenance decision, co-
assigned patent, patent licensing and patent re-assignment. The analytical results

represented that after the implementation of the science and technology basic laws,
universities put emphasis on patenting useful research results, increasing their
patenting numbers and they learned how to evaluate patent quality and appraise
the value of patents. Moreover, the universities recognize the co-assign, re-assign
and license patents to enterprises can bring more value to the universities. The
universities can form their patent management strategy and identify important
fields in future development. The results provide the evidence of professional
service-sales ambidexterity to science-technology collaboration can bring value
to the universities, as well as each university should set its core field to further
collaborate or develop the technology, which brings positive impacts to
entrepreneurial university and academic entrepreneurship.

Keywords: Service-sales ambidexterity, Science & Technology Basic Law,  Patenting activities, Aim for Top University Project


The Development and Challenges of University Spin-off in Taiwan: Reflections and Expectations of Science &  Technology Basic Law

作者Aurthor胡欣怡、吳豐祥 Hsin-Yi Hu,Feng-Shang Wu

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

近年來產學合作的發展逐漸受到各國的重視,許多專家學者甚至認為它是影響國家產業競爭力最為關鍵的因素之一。透過產學互動,可以將大學 的研究成果移轉到產業,或者衍生新創企業。而後者更具有其挑戰性,除了 須有前瞻的技術與專業的經營團隊之外,整體基礎環境、制度與相關的法規、 政策等,也都是影響大學能否順利發展衍生企業(Spin-off)的關鍵因素。台灣 亦非常重視這方面的發展,自 1999 年起通過科技基本法,始將政府研發專 案成果之智慧財產權轉授給各個執行機構,以推動研究機構研發成果之商 業化。然而,與歐美日等各國相較,在相關的基礎建設、制度、法規與政策 上,似乎還有很多亟需努力之處。有鑑於此,本研究乃透過質性研究的方法 與次級資料的收集,深入了解大學在發展衍生企業時所面臨的制度、環境、 法規、與政策等重要因素,並探討法規政策對於學術創業之影響,希望同時 呈現出理論上與實務上的貢獻。 


English Abstract

In recent years, the development of industry-university cooperation has gradually
attracted more attention of all countries. Many experts and scholars think that it is
one of the most critical factors affecting national industrial competitiveness.
Through the interaction of industry and university, the research results of the
university can be transferred to the industry or derive a new enterprise. However,
to establish start up is more challenging. In addition to the frontier technology and
professional management team, the economic environment, national systems,
infrastructures and related regulations and policies also affect the creation and
development of the university spin offs. Taiwan government also attaches great
importance to academica entrepreneurship. Since 1999, through the Science &
Technology Basic Law, the intellectual property rights of government research
and development projects have been transferred to various implementing agencies
to promote the commercialization of research and development results from
public oragnizations. However, compared with countries in Europe and the United
States, a lot of hard work can be improved in related infrastructure, systems,
regulations and policies in Taiwan. This study uses qualitative research method
for comprehensive understanding of the university’s institutional, environmental,
regulatory, and policy factors in the development of university spin offs. The
purpose of the study is to explore the influence of Science & Technology Basic
Law for academic entrepreneurship and to present both theoretical and practical

Keywords: University Spin-off, Academic Entrepreneurship, Technology  Transfer, Science & Technology Basic Law



From Laboratory to Market: Enabling Boundary Crossing in University-Industry R&D Collaboration

作者Aurthor黃婉玲、林殿琪、陳毓蓉 Wan-Ling Huang,Tien-Chi Lin,Yu-Rung Chen

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

1999 年科學技術基本法通過施行後,在政府相關單位的政策引導下,大學校院開始重視學術研發成果與產業經濟發展的鏈結,也有越來越多大學研發人員投入專利申請、專利授權轉讓、甚至學術創業等活動。然而學術研發成果是否能成功商業化,除了學界的技術開發之外,也需要業界的合作與反饋;政府於 2014 年推動的價創計畫,即是鼓勵學界與業界在早期技術開發階段共同合作,期能進一步將前瞻技術轉化為可於市場上銷售之商品。然而,令人好奇的是,何以部分價創計畫執行個案能夠在一般結案標準之外,有更亮眼的商業化表現? 這些個案又是透過什麼機制來跨越產學之間的邊界障礙? 本研究以經濟部價創計畫補助之合作研究案為分析單位,透過深度訪談與文件分析方法,試圖了解語意與實用邊界的跨越機制,如何影響研發成果的商業化程度。研究發現可視為對科學技術基本法施行成果的個案檢討,也能作為政府日後研擬產學合作成效提升策略之基礎。


English Abstract

Since the adoption of the Science and Technology Basic Law (STBL) in 1999,
universities have attempted to bridge the gap between scientific research and
industrial development; meanwhile, more and more university scientists engage
in patent applications, patent licensing, and academic entrepreneurship. However,
commercialization of academic research output depends not only technology
development by academic scientists but also collaboration and feedback from
partners in industry. The purpose of the Industrial Value Creation Program for
Academia that was adopted in 2014 is to encourage university–industry research
and development (R&D) collaborations during early-stage technology
development to enable commercialization of cutting-edge technology. However,
why did some R&D projects funded by the program achieve out-of-standard
performances compared to others? What mechanism were adopted to overcome
knowledge boundary between university and industry? By analyzing the funded
projects, the present study aimed to understand in what way semantic and
pragmatic boundary-crossing mechanisms determine the commercialization level
of academic research. Our findings present not only the results of case evaluation
for the implementation of STBL but also foundations of policy recommendations
to promote effective industry–university collaborations.

Keywords: Science and Technology Basic Law, university-industry R&Dcollaboration, boundary-crossing mechanisms, research commercialization,IndustrialValueCreation Program forAcademia



The study on the effect of patent retrieval behavior onmarket awareness in the vocational and technological college and university

作者Aurthor羅志成、彭筱芸 Chih-Cheng Lo,Hsiao-Yun Peng

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

台灣科學技術基本法主要立法目的是為了促進大學科技研發成果商品化,鼓勵大專院校創新與技術移轉。然而,科技商品化的環結仍必須依賴研發人員對技術市場的敏銳程度,除了個別專業知識之外,如何提升專利技術資訊搜尋與知識應用,從而培養技術市場察覺能力,才能夠快速掌握技術市場的發展契機。環顧先前相關文獻,本研究聚焦在大專院校科學研發人員資訊搜尋行為的文獻缺口,特別是科技基本法實施以來,技專院校申請與核淮數量皆大幅提高,且科研的成果也與產業技術發展關係緊密,本研究主要研究問題在於瞭解技專院校專利資訊搜尋行為與市場察覺能力之間的關聯性為何,並進一步探討科研人員專利技術的知識管理與分享對市場察覺的影響程度。研究方法採用問卷調查法,以技專校院的工程學院教職員做為研究對象,共回收 130 份有效問卷。研究發現專利資訊搜尋行為與技術市場察覺能力具有顯著關聯性存在,專利資訊搜尋行為中知識經驗累積及知識傳播對於技術市場察覺能力具有顯著影響,當技專校院校中科研人員累積專利技術開發的經驗愈豐富,專利知識傳播分享頻率愈高,有助於提升其技術市場的察覺能力。最後,本研究裨益於技專院校瞭解如何應用專利搜尋與知識管理,進一步強化科技研發的專利商品化。


English Abstract

The main purpose of "Fundamental Science and Technology Act” is to promote
the commercialization of academic research, thus to encourage university
researchers to incubate innovation and transfer patented technologies. However,
According to previous literature, academic commercialization of university’s
patents is required to enhance the scientists’ market awareness in order to develop
a new technology to meet the need of fast-moving market. The study takes an
information search behavior perspective and applies the process of knowledge
management to explore patent retrieval behavior of researchers, particularly in the
technical and vocational colleges and universities, which the number of patents
increases recently. In doing so, the study surveyed all professors and researchers
from faculty of engineering at the university of science and technology, total 130
questionnaires are valid. The empirical findings are as follows: There is a positive
significant correlation between patent retrieval behavior and market awareness
capabilities. While both experience accumulation and knowledge dissemination
of patent retrieval behavior have a significant impact on market awareness,
knowledge articulation, knowledge codification, and knowledge utilization do not
have a significant effect on researchers’ market awareness. Finally, the empirical
studies enable us to have a better understanding of researchers’ capabilities in
terms of market awareness and knowledge management to enhance the
commercialization of patented technology after the Fundamental Science and
Technology Act.

Keywords: Patent Information Retrieval Behavior, Commercialization of patented Technology, Knowledge Management, Market Awareness
