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107年科技管理學刊第二十三卷第四期 民國一○七年十二月

Volume 23, Number 4 December 2018(若需下載全完請登入會員)

標題Article:共享經濟之平台信任機制:以 Uber 為例

The trust mechanism of platform of sharing economy: A case of Uber

作者Aurthor邱文宏、蔡詠安 Wen-Hong Chiu,Yong-An Tsai

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

共享經濟平台是建立在信任機制的基礎下而產生的創新商業模式,然 而,過去相關研究大多著重於社群網站服務、網路行銷、線上交易安全機制 之可靠程度、共享經濟的創新擴散等相關議題,較少深入探討共享經濟之平 台信任相關議題。因此,本研究目的為基於信任模式的觀點下,建構一系統 分析架構,進而探討共享經濟之平台信任機制。本研究採個案研究法,挑選 Uber 為研究個案,以「過程型信任」、「特質型信任」、與「制度型信任」等 為分析架構。蒐集個案自 2009 年至 2017 年間之次級資料,以及進行專家 深度訪談,並針對相關個案事件內容,採文本分析與內容分析法進行資料分 析。本研究發現信任機制是以制度型信任為核心,而演化趨勢是由制度型信 任朝向特質型信任與過程型信任;其次,在整體服務流程,制度型信任強調 服務前之線上信任機制、過程型強調服務中之線下信任機制、而特質型信任 強調整體服務後在社群間的信任機制;此外,制度型信任從線上信任機制朝 向線下信任機制發展,最後依即時互動性與虛擬性之程度,本研究提出一新 信任機制理論架構。


English Abstract

The platform of sharing economy is an innovative business model based on the
trust mechanism. However, previous studies have focused on the issues related to
community website services, online marketing, the reliability of online transaction
mechanisms, the diffusion of innovation in sharing economy. There were few
studies discussing trust-related issues of platforms of sharing economy. Therefore,
this study aims to construct a systematic analysis framework based on the
perspective of trust model, and then explore the trust mechanism of the platforms.
This study adopts a case study method and selects Uber as a research case. The
analysis framework consists of "process-based trust," "characteristic-based trust,"
and "institutional-based trust." Collected data is the secondary data of Uber from
2009 to 2017. This study also conducted in-depth interviews with experts. The
text analysis and content analysis methods were used for data analysis. This study
found that the institutional-based trust is the core, and the evolutionary trend is
from institutional-based trust towards characteristic-based trust and process-based
trust; secondly, in the overall service process, institutional-based trust emphasizes
the online trust mechanism before the service, process-based trust emphasizes
offline trust mechanism during the service, and characteristics-based trust
emphasizes the trust mechanism between communities after the overall service;
in addition, institutional-based trust develops from online trust mechanism
towards offline trust mechanism. Finally, based on the degree of real-time
interaction and virtuality, this study proposes a new theoretical framework of trust

Keywords: Sharing economy, platform, trust mechanism, case study, Uber

標題Article討智慧家庭系統市場需求功能與技術設計之規格及對 應產品競爭定位分析

Discussing the Functional Requirements and Technology of Smart Home System and Specification Corresponds to Product Positioning Analysis

作者Aurthor李宗耀、洪志洋、龔沅希、葉奠邦 Zon-Yau Lee,Chih-Young Hung,Yuan-Hsi Kung,Tien-Pang Yeh

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

隨網際網路升級與擴大應用,物聯網各種網絡即時透過個人化的智慧行動裝置、連 網開放性之網路平台及結合智慧型裝置進行生活應用,故透過網路科技與各類家庭商品 智慧化,進而增進人們生活便利性、保障安全與提高生活品質環境,值得深入研究及探 討。本研究針對物聯網與人們居家安全生活之智慧家庭系統,如何將裝置之功能需求轉 換至對應產品技術設計規格,進行規格設計分析,經該系統的 4 項需求構面安全監控、 居家照護、智慧家電及家庭娛樂的要求;加上系統在設計規格品質要求轉換至主機系 統、儲存與擴充、周邊設備、安裝學習與維護之設計準則所要求的目標。經實證分析發 現,消費者最注重的市場需求功能依序為安全監控、居家照護、智慧家電、家庭娛樂; 關聯度則發現以智慧型手機操控的為最高。若以市場需求功能與技術設計規格間的關聯 度看,由分析數據發現與技術設計規格關聯度最高的前 3 個市場需求功能分別為影像監 控、生理狀況實時監控及節能控管。然而與市場需求功能關聯度最高的前 3 個技術設計 規格為智慧型手機操控、連接周邊網路標準化、雲端及系統管理,因此智慧家庭系統廠 商若想創造利益最大化或開發產品成本最小化,可考量 3 個市場需求功能或技術設計規 格為主要發展方向。


English Abstract

With the upgrading of the Internet and the expansion of applications, the era of
the creation of the Internet of Things has come. Various applications can be
accessed at any time through personalized smart mobile devices, networked
open web platforms, and smart devices. As a result, through the use of network
technology and the wisdom of various family products, people’s lives are
improved. The safety of life and the improvement of the quality of life are
worthy of our in-depth research and discussion. This study attempts to explore
the relationships between the Internet of Things and home-based smart living
systems. How the Internet of Things transforms the functional requirements of
the device to the corresponding product technical design specifications,
performs specification analysis, and meets the requirements of the system's
four requirements facets for security monitoring, home care, smart appliances,
and home entertainment; in addition to the system design specifications in the
specification requirements on the transition to the host system, storage and
expansion, peripheral equipment, installation learning and maintenance of the
design criteria required goals. Empirical analysis shows, the first important
function of market demand for consumers is to safety monitoring, the second
ones are home care, smart appliances, and finally is home entertainment.
Besides, it shows the most important dimension is smartphone control from
correlation coefficient. However, from the market demand function and the
technical design specification standpoint, the first three market demand
functions with the highest degree of correlation are image monitoring,
physiological condition monitoring, and energy saving control in sequence. On
the other hands, the first three technical design specifications with the highest
correlation are smartphone control, connection peripheral network
standardization, clouds and system management. Therefore, the study suggests
that smart home system manufacturers could consider the three market demand
functions or technical design specifications as the main direction of
development if they want to create maximum profits or minimize the cost of
developing products.

Keywords: Smart Home System, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Fuzzy QualityFunction Deployment, Multi-Criteria Decision Making,Internet of Things (IOT)

標題Article以生活實驗室方法構築智慧服務的啟發: 以客庄導入智慧觀光服務為例

Framing a Smart Service with Living Labs Approach : A Case on Implementing Smart Tourism in Hakka Towns

作者Aurthor蔡林彤飛、胡欣怡、張央儀、周瑞貞 Tung-Fei Tsai-Lin,Hsinyi Hu,Yang-YiChang,Jui-Chen Chou

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

資通訊科技與物聯網科技的持續發展,促成真實的使用者間交易行為與虛擬數據 透過智慧服務的構築,提供使用者優化在行為中的資訊處理工作,強化交易行為的執 行效能。因此,服務開發者必須構築一項成功的智慧服務,確保智慧科技、使用者需 求與商業活動在真實世界進行整合,以透過智慧服務來提升使用者價值。生活實驗室 方法在開放式創新的構念下,智慧服務可整合科技創新、使用者涉入與商業活動在真 實場域進行形塑,智慧科技的採用與原有服務系統在生活場域以開放式創新機制與使 用者共創活動進行智慧化,發展符合場域中多元使用者需求的商業模式。本研究透過 客庄智慧樂活 4G 應用服務計畫為實際個案,服務開發者試圖在桃竹苗共五個客庄聚 落透過導入智慧科技,並以場域內旅客、店家或是景點為使用者,發展智慧觀光服務, 藉以提升旅客旅遊經驗與促進客庄觀光經濟活動。本研究收集智慧觀光服務試營運的 各項績效,觀察智慧科技、商業模式與使用者需求三者之間的相互作用,藉以了解智 慧服務在真實場域構築過程所面臨之挑戰。


English Abstract

Smart service could employ ICT and IoT technologies to improve the
interactions between human behavior and virtual data processing to promote
the transactions within the users in the physical world. Therefore, how service
developers could frame a successful smart service to encourage transactions
with the users is a practical challenge. On the living labs approach, framing a
smart service with open innovation could make the service smartize through a
real setting. A case of Taiwan is illustrated in this study which the government
intends to introduce smart technologies, such as beacons, a mobile app, and a
website, to frame a smart tourism destinations (STD) service in five Hakka
towns, by living labs approach. In this case, we observe the interactions
between the technology, users, and business in smart service framing, and
attempt to identify the potential challenges by performance measuring. The
results show a low adoption of the new STD service. Observing the case by a
proposed model, we found that the tourist service model is spun in to smartize
as a smart service by the developers, but it could not be spun out to reshape by
the co-creating by the users. These findings indicated failure to make the
inbound and outbound open innovation synergies as well as make the
co-creation within the users in the framing process may lead an unsuccessful
smart service.

Keywords: Smart service, Smart tourism, Living labs approach, Open innovation

