
109年科技管理學刊第25卷學刊第四期 民國一○九年十二月

Volume 25, Number 4 December 2020(若需下載全完請登入會員)

標題Article運用平衡計分卡建構台灣企業數位轉型之評估模型運用平衡計分卡建構台灣企業數位轉型之評估模型Applying Balanced Scorecard to Construct an Evaluation Modelfor the Digital Transformation of Taiwan Companies

作者Aurthor:李光斌、彭志強、王仁聖、林冠仲 Kuang-Pin Li, Chih-Chiang Peng,Jen-Sheng Wang, Kuan-Chung Lin

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

近幾年,全球產業開始掀起數位轉型的浪潮,目前國內企業數位轉型尚處於起步階段,許多企業缺乏管理和衡量數位轉型目標績效的相關知識與方法。因此,本研究建構數位轉型平衡計分卡之評估架構,並以個案案例輔助說明,期望可以做為台灣企業進行數位轉型時之績效評估依據。基於數位轉型觀點,本研究將平衡計分卡重構為財務數位轉型、顧客數位服務、內部流程數位化、數位學習與成長等四大構面與相應20 個指標,並透過模糊德菲法進行修正與聚焦。結果顯示:1. 顧客數位服務構面為數位轉型平衡計分卡相對重要構面;2. 投資策略為財務數位轉型構面中相對重要指標;3. 顧客滿意度是顧客數位服務構面中相對重要指標;4. 企業數位化專責部門建立是內部流程數位化構面中相對重要指標;5. 在數位學習與成長構面並無特別突出之指標。本研究基於分析與探討結果,提出數位轉型平衡計分卡,做為企業規劃與執行數位轉型之參考與建議。


English Abstract
In recent years, the global industries have begun to set off a wave of digital
transformation. At present, the digital transformation of domestic companies is still in
its infancy. Many companies lack the relevant knowledge and methods to manage and
measure the performance of digital transformation goals. Therefore, this research takes
the case company as example to illustrate the evaluation structure of the digital
transformation balanced scorecard for building performance evaluation basis for digital
Based on the perspective of digital transformation, this study modifies the balanced
scorecard into four dimensions that financial digital transformation, customer digital
service, internal process digitization, and digital learning and growth, in which there
are corresponding 20 indicators, and applies the fuzzy Delphi technique to correct and
focus. The results show: 1. The customer digital service dimension is a relatively
important dimension of the digital transformation balanced scorecard. 2. Investment
strategy is the relatively important indicator of the financial digital transformation
dimension; 3. Customer satisfaction is the relatively important indicator of the
customer digital service dimension; 4. The establishment of specialized departments for
enterprise digitization is the relatively important indicator in the internal process
digitization dimension; 5. There are no outstanding indicators in the digital learning
and growth dimension. Based on the results of analysis and discussion, this research
proposes a balanced scorecard for digital transformation as a reference and suggestion
for enterprises planning and implementing digital transformation.

Keywords: Digital Transformation, Balanced Scorecard, Financial DigitalTransformation, Customer Digital Service, Internal ProcessDigitization, Digital Learning and Growth

標題Article:如何加速高影響力專利之知識傳遞? 影響地理知識擴散如何加速高影響力專利之知識傳遞? 影響地理知識擴散速度之因素分析How to accelerate knowledge transmission of influentialpatent? Analyzing factors influencing geographic knowledgediffusion speed

作者Aurthor:蘇信寧、莊庚樺Hsin-Ning Su, Keng-Hua Chuang

中文摘要Chinese Abstract



English Abstract

Accelerating innovation not only increases the likelihood of successful innovation,
but also brings sustainable competitive advantage. The knowledge diffusion is an
innovation driver, and knowledge acquisition is regarded as a way to increase
innovation speed. Investigating knowledge diffusion and factors influencing
knowledge diffusion allows understanding the mechanism of driving innovation.
This study analyzed geographic knowledge diffusion speed as well as the factors
impacting geographic knowledge diffusion speed of high-valued innovation. The
results show that knowledge with simple knowledge source, clearer content and
understandability have higher geographic diffusion speed and therefore generate
faster innovation impact.

Keywords: Innovation Speed, Knowledge Flow, Patent


標題Article探索行動支付採用下信任轉移探索行動支付採用下信任轉移Exploring Trust Transfer in Mobile Payment Adoption

作者Aurthor張瑋倫、羅嘉泳Wei-Lun Chang, Chia-Yung Lo

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

隨著近年來行動裝置受到歡迎,行動支付也成為企業廣泛發展的方向,在新科隨著近年來行動裝置受到歡迎,行動支付也成為企業廣泛發展的方向,在新科技不確定的情況下,信任與保證被認為是行動支付採用的重要因素。因此,瞭解行動支付採用流程對於服務提供者來說是必要的策略,也可以讓潛在使用者認為行動支付是值得信任,本研究透過Stewart (2003)的信任轉移模式分析信任的行為意向,套用於行動支付採用上,進一步探索信轉移流程的因果關係,以及影響行動支付採用的重要因素。本研究發現使用者有強的網絡連結與認知相似性,對於企業傾向於信任行動支付採用。訊號亦直接影響認知信任與使用意向,本研究提供組織實證結果,進一步勾勒行動支付行銷策略。


English Abstract

With the popularization of mobile devices in recent years, mobile payment has
been widely developed for companies. Trust and assurance are considered crucial
factors in mobile payment adoption because of the uncertainty toward the new
technology. Thus, the understanding of the mobile payment adoption process is
necessary for the service providers to formulate a strategy, which convinces
potential users that mobile payment is trustworthy. This research analyzes the
behavioral intention of trust with the trust transfer model proposed by Stewart
(2003). We apply trust transfer model to mobile payment adoption, discover the
causal relationships among trust transferring process, and explore the factors that
influence the intention to adopt mobile payment. This research has found the one
with strong number of ties and perceived similarity, participants will have firm
trusting beliefs and comfortably incline to mobile payment adoption. Signals can
directly affect trusting beliefs and intention to use. The study provides empirical
evidence for organizations to draw up a mobile payment marketing strategy.

Keywords: mobile payment, trust transfer model, perceived trust, perceived security

標題Article空間創生的社會創新模型建構:以創新擴散理論為視角空間創生的社會創新模型建構:以創新擴散理論為視角A Social Innovation Model Building of PlacemakingRevitalization: A Perspective oInnovation Diffusion Theory

作者Aurthor楊佳翰、黃舜農Chia-Han Yang, Shun-Nung Huang

中文摘要Chinese Abstract



English Abstract

This research aims to develop a social innovation model for regenerating the
cultural-based and community-based space from the perspective of innovation
diffusion theory. Many local governments have established numerous cultural and
creative-based spaces with support of industry or cultural policy tools for
regenerating the old area and historical assets. However, the view of social
innovation was never used as a theoretical lens to explore the development
efficacy of space regeneration, revitalization, and their co-create value. It should
be further explored to examine the social innovation model of these stakeholders
particularly in the analytical structure of innovation scaling-up and diffusion
perspective. As a result, this study selects four major cultural and creative
placemaking cases including cultural space making and community design
innovation as research targets using the interpretative case study method and
aiming to construct a theoretical building from case studies. The research question

to be addressed is about who will participate the social innovation process to co-
create the value. Secondly, the research question to be further raised is that what

social innovation will be co-created in this social innovation creation and diffusion
process with support of innovation diffusion factors. Finally, the research question
will be discussed about how the social innovation system is developed through
the social innovation model and all stakeholders’ communication and interaction.
The research results answer the above-mentioned research questions to construct
a new social innovation model encompassing the deepening, upscaling, and
outreaching development and diffusion phases.

Keywords: Social innovation, innovation diffusion theory, placemaking revitalization, creative industry


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