
108年科技管理學刊第二十四卷第二期 民國一○八年六月

Volume 24, Number 2 June 2019(若需下載全完請登入會員)

標題Article:金融科技(FinTech)商業模式策略優化研究: 以法遵科技(RegTech)為例

A Study of Strategy Optimization for FinTech Business Model: The Case of RegTech

作者Aurthor王仁聖、林冠仲、Jen-Sheng Wang,Kuan-Chung Lin

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

金融科技(FinTech)正值發展階段,然而金融創新可能會與原本法律相抵 觸,讓人裹足不前,甚至有可能遭受損失。法遵科技(RegTech)即是因應這個 議題而出現的解決方案,其結合了法規和科技,並運用前瞻科技來管理相關 領域的 FinTech 應用是否合乎法規要求。本研究以商業模式九宮格理論為研 究架構,透過德菲法與模糊層級分析法分析 RegTech 的商業模式。 分析結果顯示「顧客關係」區塊的重要性最為顯著,接著依序為「關鍵 活動」、「關鍵資源」以及「價值主張」。而第三層級關鍵因子分析結果,重 要性前六者分別為「系統可行性評估」、「大數據分析」、「經濟部、財政部企 業資訊」、「長期客製化」、「人工智慧引擎」以及「資料判讀與關係描繪」, 最後本研究依據分析結果探討策略優化與管理意涵,期望藉由 RegTech 商 業模式策略優化研究,做為其他 FinTech 應用之商業模式參考。


English Abstract

FinTech is at a stage of development, however finance innovations may be in
conflict with the original law. Hence, People are confused with that, and even
worse got losses. RegTech is the possible solution for this issue, integrating the
concepts of regulation and technology, and using edge technologies to manage
applications in FinTech field whether or not follow the regulations. This study
takes the Business Model Canvas as the research structure and analyzes business
model of RegTech with Delphi Technique and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
The result indicates “Customer Relations” is most important, followed by “Key
Activities”, “Key Resources” and “Value Proposition”. The analyzed result of the
third level of FAHP shows the six more important critical factors are “System
Feasibility Assessment”, “Big Data Analyzing”, “Enterprise Information from
Taiwan Government”, “Long-term Customization”, “AI Engine” and
“Information Judgement and Description”. Finally, this study explores the strategy
optimization and management implications of these previous results. This study
expects the proposed business model of RegTech would be referred for other
Fintech applications.

Keywords: FinTech, RegTech, Business Model, Strategy Optimization


A Mechanism to Screen Industry-University Partners and Allocate Negotiation Resource

作者Aurthor蕭堯仁、陳幼蘭、Yau-Ren Shiau,Yu-Lan Chen

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

當今產業趨勢面臨經濟化與資訊智慧化,產品生命週期快速更迭,創新 科研成為企業獨佔鰲頭的關鍵因素。除本身穩健之內部力量,企業亦可藉助 外界科研力量強化自我競爭力並加速產業升級,而產學合作為獲取知識與 技術的良好渠道。然而,需要一套有效媒合模式,快速引領產學雙方達成協 議,進而開始實質合作。 本研究藉由 TOPSIS 進行協議效益分析解決排序問題;再經由投影分析 求出每一單位所需改善的項目及目標,進而以虛擬乘數分析找出優先改善 的項目,以讓改善幅度最大化,進而有效提升其效率。最後,從產學合作候 選夥伴篩選出可迅速達成協議之優先順序及協商資源配置,進行最佳化 AMPL 系統求解,縮短雙方協議時程,在有限的資源下,以達效益最佳化。 本研究藉由模擬 30 間不同規模之企業為例,透過該機制可從眾多產學 合作候選夥伴中,篩選出可迅速達成協議之優先順序。同時促使在協議前, 就能掌握企業需求及前期考量因素,聚焦協議項目與對象,縮短協議時程, 加速並提升協議成效,創造產學雙贏。


English Abstract

The trend of modern industry is facing the wisdom and wisdom of information,
product life cycle rapid change, innovation and research become the key factor in
the enterprise leader. In addition to its own internal strength of internal strength,

enterprises can also use external scientific research to enhance self-
competitiveness to speed up industrial upgrading, and industry-academia

cooperation for the acquisition of knowledge and technology a good channel.
However, the need for a set of effective media model, quickly lead the industry
and the two sides reached an agreement, and then began to substantive cooperation,
including systematic analysis and recording tools.
In this study uses the TOPSIS performs protocol benefit analysis to solve the
sorting problem; then, through projection analysis, finds the improvement items
and targets for each unit, and then uses virtual multiplier analysis to find out the
priority improvement items to maximize the improvement. In order to effectively
improve its efficiency. Finally, from the industry-university cooperation candidate
partners, the priority order and allocate negotiation resource can be quickly
determined, the AMPL system can be optimized, the time schedule of the two
parties can be shortened, and the benefits can be optimized under limited resources.
This study takes the example of simulating 30 enterprises of different scales, for
example, through this mechanism, the priority of quick agreement can be selected
from many industry and education cooperation candidates. At the same time, it is
possible to grasp the needs of enterprises and the factors of early consideration
before the agreement, focus on the agreement projects and targets, shorten the
agreement schedule, accelerate and improve the effectiveness of the agreement,
and create a win-win society.

Keywords: Industry-University Collaboration, Screening Mechanism, Allocate Negotiation Resource.

標題Article運用UTAUT模型探討不同產品類型行動適地性廣告之 用戶接受度

Applying UTAUT Model to Explore and Compare User Acceptance on Mobile Location-Based Advertising among Different Product Types

作者Aurthor林士平、洪淑萍、蔡佩思 Sirirat Sae Lim,Shu-Pin Hung,Pei-Shih Tsai

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

行動手持裝置已成為最普遍的消費電子產品,表示行銷人員可以利用這個新機 會針對目標客戶進行行動適地性廣告(Mobile Location-Based Advertising, MLBA)。然而,影響用戶接受行動適地性廣告的因素仍待釐清,因此本研究主要 運用科技接受和使用整合模型(The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model,UTAUT)探討潛在影響用戶對行動適地性廣告接受度之變數, 以 UTAUT 模型建構分析架構及假設。另外,本研究加入 FCB 方格理論進一步探討 不同產品類別對研究主題之比較性,研究結果顯示社會影響(social influence)、績 效期望(performance expectancy)和有利條件(facilitating condition)具有強烈正面 影響,隱私考量(privacy concern)與付出預期(effort expectancy)則顯示對行動 適地性廣告接受度有些稍微影響。而與先前其他研究不同的是研究結果顯示產品特 性並非用戶對行動適地性廣告接受度的主要因素。

關鍵字:科技接受和使用整合模型(UTAUT)、行動適地性廣告(MLBA)、行動行銷、FCB 方格、產品類型

English Abstract

Mobile device has become the most ubiquitous of consumer electronic appliance.
It presents marketers new opportunities to approach the potential customers
through mobile location-based advertising (MLBA). The factors, however, that
affect user acceptance of MLBA are not well clarified. This study examines a set
of drivers that may influence consumer’s attitude towards the acceptance of
MLBA. A conceptual model with hypotheses is developed and tested. The
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model (UTAUT) is
applied to formulate the drivers affecting consumer acceptance of MLBA. In
addition, FCB grid is used to study the problem. The result indicates that social
influence, performance expectancy, and facilitating condition are the strongest
positive drivers, while privacy concern and effort expectancy are shown little
relevance to the adoption of MLBA. Different from previous studies, the result
also shows that product characteristics are not the major factors to the consumer
acceptance of MLBA.

Keywords: the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model(UTAUT), mobile location-based advertising (MLBA),mobile marketing, FCB grid, product types


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