
108年科技管理學刊第二十四卷第一期 民國一○八年三月

Volume 24, Number 1 March 2019(若需下載全完請登入會員)

標題Article:應得權益感與創新行為關係之研究: 以創意自我效能為中介變項

Creative Self-Efficacy as a Mediator of the Relationship between Entitlement and Innovative Behavior

作者Aurthor游銘仁、吳靜吉 Ming-Jen Yu,Jing-Jyi Wu

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

過去研究發現應得權益感高的人比較有創意,但在創新的歷程中,不僅 要發想新穎且有用的創意,還必須將其付諸實現,方能構成創新行為。但先 前的研究並未直接探討應得權益感與創新行為的關係,尤其是創意自我效 能在兩者之間所扮演的中介角色。本研究採問卷調查法,以 217 位 EMBA 學生為對象,探討應得權益感、創意自我效能與創新行為的關係,以及創意 自我效能的中介效果。研究發現,應得權益感對創新行為有正向影響,應得 權益感對創意自我效能也有正向影響,創意自我效能不僅會正向影響創新 行為,也在應得權益感與創新行為的關係中扮演重要的中介角色。最後,本研究進行理論與實務意涵的討論。


English Abstract

Besides creativity, implementation is an essential part of the innovation process.
While there is evidence in the literature that entitlement positively affects
creativity, researchers have yet to explore the relationship between entitlement and
innovative behavior. To address this gap, this study examined the relationship
between entitlement, creative self-efficacy, and innovative behavior, and the
mediating effect of creative self-efficacy on the relationship between entitlement
and innovative behavior using survey data from 217 EMBA students in Taiwan.
Results show that entitlement positively affects both innovative behavior and
creative self-efficacy, while creative self-efficacy positively affects innovative
behavior, it also fully mediating the influence of entitlement on innovative
behavior. This paper concludes with a discussion of theoretical and practical

Keywords: Entitlement, Creative Self-Efficacy, Innovative Behavior

標題Article顧客如何利用網路社群互動促進行為意願: 從品牌認同到共同創新

How Consumers Utilize the Interaction in Network Communities to Promote Behavioral Intention: From Brand Identification to Co-Innovation

作者Aurthor黃靖文、賴賢哲 Jing-Wen Huang,Hsien-Che Lai

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

近年來廠商都開始重視自行建構網路社群與顧客進行互動,並透過以 上互動來促進顧客之行為意願。本研究主要探討:「由顧客對網路社群所屬 的廠商品牌認同往上延伸到顧客-廠商的共同創新如何強化上述網路社群互 動與行為意願之關係」。本研究以 35 家台灣數位內容廠商所屬的網路社群 為例,2018 年 4 月將各廠商所屬之 872 位網路社群顧客填答問卷作為跨層 次迴歸分析之資料來源。本研究之發現與貢獻如下:1、網路社群互動會促 進顧客之行為意願;2、顧客對網路社群所屬的廠商品牌認同會正向強化網 路社群互動與行為意願之關係;3、顧客-廠商共同創新的跨層次效果會促進 顧客之行為意願;4、顧客-廠商共同創新的跨層次效果會正向強化網路社群 互動與行為意願之關係。對提高顧客行為意願而言,數位內容廠商除了加強 與網路社群顧客之互動外,重視品牌認同感的提升以及與顧客共同進行創新亦是不容忽視的解決方案。


English Abstract

In recent years, firms have paid attention to the building and operation of their
affiliated network communities and emphasized the topic that consumers’
interaction in network communities would promote behavioral intention. This
study thus explores whether and how consumers’ brand identification of firm and
consumer-firm co-innovation respectively strengthen the consequences of
consumers’ interaction in network communities toward behavioral intention. This
study tests hypotheses by using a sample of 872 consumers from the network
communities affiliated to 35 Taiwanese digital content firms with data collected
from the responses to a mailed survey in April 2018. The results show that
consumers’ interaction in network communities can promote behavioral intention.
Consumers’ brand identification of firm amplifies the positive relationship
between consumers’ interaction in network communities and their behavioral
intentions. Moreover, the cross-level effect of consumer-firm co-innovation also
promotes consumers’ behavioral intentions. Furthermore, the cross-level effect of
consumer-firm co-innovation amplifies the positive relationship between
consumers’ interaction in network communities and their behavioral intentions.
To promote consumers’ behavioral intentions, managers in charge of network
communities must realize that enhancing consumers’ brand identification of firm
and implementing co-innovation with consumers are good solutions while their
firms attempt to use network communities for interacting with consumers.

Keywords: Network Community, Behavioral Intention, Brand Identification,Co-innovation, Cross-level Analysis


The Effects of Regulatory Focus and Market Orientation on Team Reflexivity and New Product Development Performance

作者Aurthor廖英凱 Ying-Kai Liao

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

公司要開發新產品時必須依賴新產品開發(NPD)團隊,因此如何管 理具有高度彈性及生產力之 NPD 團隊乃是公司經營成敗之關鍵。本研究之 目的有三:首先是探討調節焦點和市場導向對 NPD 團隊反思之影響;其次 是要確認團隊反思和市場導向對產品創新及新產品開發績效之影響;接著 要進一步釐清產品創新對新產品開發績效之影響。本研究以調查法針對台 灣高科技產業 41 個 NPD 團隊進行調查,共收集 164 份 NPD 團隊成員之意 見,並利用最小平方法(PLS)進行分析。結果顯示,推廣焦點對團隊反思具 有顯著且正向的影響,而預防焦點對團隊反思並沒有顯著的影響;其次, 以顧客導向及競爭者導向的 NPD 團隊可能透過團隊反思作為中介變數來提 升產品創新,以達成更好的新產品開發績效;第三,產品創新及新產品開 發績效可進一步提高企業績效。本研究以調節焦點和市場導向作為前置變 數,有助於我們瞭解團隊反思在新產品開發實務之角色,本研究之結果亦 讓研發經理人進一步瞭解設定團隊目標及強化團隊動機之重要性,研發經 理人必須更清楚地確認顧客之需求及想法,以掌握 NPD 專案之方向。


English Abstract

In developing a new product, firms rely heavily on their new product
development (NPD) teams. Therefore, how to manage a NPD team with high
flexibility and productivity is essential and requires deeper understanding. The
objectives of this study are (1) to examine the effects of regulatory focus and
market orientation on NPD team reflexivity; (2) to examine the effects of team
reflexivity and market orientation on product innovation and new product
performance; and (3) to examine the effects of product innovation on new
product performance and firm performance. We surveyed 41 NPD teams from
high-tech firms in Taiwan, collecting 164 questionnaires from team members
for the data analysis. PLS analysis showed that (1) promotion focus has strong
and positive effects on team reflexivity, while prevention focus has no effects
on team reflexivity; (2) Both customer-oriented and competitor-orientation
teams are more likely to produce innovative products and achieve better new
product performance through the mediation of team reflexivity; (3) product
innovation and new product performance lead to better firm performance. This
study contributes to our knowledge about NPD practices, especially in team
reflexivity, by examining regulatory focuses and market orientation as the
antecedents. This study also contributes to management by showing that
understanding teams’ motivation in pursuing the objectives is important,
enabling R&D managers to more easily control their work. Finally, we show
that when assigning NPD projects, R&D managers should clearly identify how
to focus on customer needs and wants, and competitors’ strategies and action.

Keywords: regulatory focus, market orientation, team reflexivity, product innovation, new product development performance.


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