
106年科技管理學刊第二十二卷第二期 民國一○六年六月

Volume 22, Number 2 June 2017(若需下載全完請登入會員)


Analyzing the Determinants and the Decision Rules of R&D Collaboration in the Taiwanese Biomedical Sector

作者Aurthor林韋廷、陳詩欣 Wei-Ting Lin,Shih-Hsin Chen

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

前人研究指出,新興科技產業中,企業仰賴研發合作提升技術研發能 力,這現象在生醫產業尤其顯著,因此是否採用合作研發,是生技公司非 常重要的決策。然而,目前仍未有足夠文獻探討這些公司如何整合衡量自 身的特性,以擬定與外部機構進行合作研發之決策,包括地理位置、技術 類型、資源與過去經驗。本研究採用蟻群尋優法能夠篩選重要因子、萃取 決策規則的優勢,針對我國新興生醫產業 112 間公司於 1998-2014 年間之實 證資料,以宏觀角度探究影響公司採取研發合作決策的特性因子,及因子 組成的決策規則。此外,本研究亦以 2007 年生技新藥產業發展條例之頒布 為例,比較條例施行前後之差異,並針對公司進行產學合作之決策,共萃 取出四組規則,正率皆高於 90%。四組規則皆顯示過去合作經驗為主要的 因子,而與技術類型、研發能力、政府資金投入等因子所組合的規則皆會 影響公司合作研發、產學合作。本研究採蟻群尋優法萃取分類規則,找出 生醫公司進行合作決策的可能整合考量,並分別訪談生技、醫材、製藥三 大產業的專家驗證這些規則在業界的意義與適用性,以提供未來研究者與 政策規劃者在相關議題之探究方向,以較有效的促進產業創新。


English Abstract

Literature maintains, in the high-tech emerging sectors, firms heavily rely on
R&D collaboration to enhance their R&D capabilities. The innovation network
literature has indicated that innovation is embedded in the networks instead of
any single actor (such as a firm), especially in the case of the biomedical sector.
In the high-tech sectors, the determinants of firms to establish R&D
collaborations with other firms or institutes by considering the characteristics
such as geographical proximity, technology domain, potential resources and the
track records. However, what less clear are the determinants of building
collaboration networks in the emerging sector. Combining Ant Colony
Optimization (ACO) and interviews, this study explores the decision rules of
R&D collaborations in the biomedical industry, a fast growing high-tech sector.
The ACO algorithm is a probabilistic technique for finding suitable paths and
extracting the decision rule. This study, therefore, applied ACO algorithm to
macroscopically extract important attributes and decision rules composed of firm
features from 112 biomedical firms. This study also compared the rule sets from
the analyses of the two periods before and after the implementation of Biotech
and New Pharmaceutical Development Act in 2007. Furthermore, the decision
rules of academia-industry R&D collaborations in the biomedical sector are also
analyzed. The 4 rule sets with accuracy rate higher than 90% show that prior
collaboration experience is the most important attribute. For validating the
meaning of the rules in reality, we conducted interviews with experts in the field
of biopharmaceuticals, medical-device, and pharmaceuticals. The mutual
complementation of technology, R&D capabilities, and government funding
supports also influences the determinants of R&D collaborations. Finally, this
study offered policy suggestions to effectively facilitate innovation in the
emerging sectors.

Keywords: R&D collaboration, Ant Colony Optimization, Decision rule,Biomedical sector


Exploring Technology Strategic Groups of Wireless Charging : Based on Technology Similarity

作者Aurthor賴明豐 Lai, Ming-Fong

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

創新是由不同知識與技能間結合而產生,但要能順利吸收新知識或新 技能卻仍需要建基在相似技術的基礎上逐步擴散發展才能真正達成創新的 目的。專利技術分類可視為不同專利權人展現的獨特創新屬性,如果能知 悉身處於相同技術市場中隱然成形的技術發展趨勢與相應的競爭者,除有 助於定位追蹤潛在競爭者技術研發動態並能據以研擬出符合市場潮流的技 術發展策略。本研究以無線充電技術為例,檢索美國公開公告專利,並透 過社會網絡分析方法,以 CPC 為基礎,分析不同專利權人在創新屬性上的 相似性,進而歸納出市場中隱然成形的技術發展趨勢。從管理意涵看,研 發單位可以運用本研究使用之方法與量測值建構自身所屬技術領域的技術 相似網絡,從中找出有利於新知識、新技術發展上可資觀摩的學習對象, 並歸納出市場隱然成形的技術群組,據以研擬符合市場發展態勢的技術策 略。


English Abstract

Although innovation requires the incorporation of various types of knowledge
and technology, the acquisition of new knowledge can be achieved only
through technological similarity. By examining published and announced U.S.
patents for wireless charging technology and assigning these patents
technological attributes according to the cooperative patent classification
system, this study employed social network analysis to observe the degree of
similarity between the technological attributes of each patent owner. Moreover,
the measured values obtained from the analysis were used to identify the types
of R&D strategies employed by the assignees in the wireless charging market.
From a management viewpoint, the applied research method is helpful for
assisting enterprises in identifying competitors with high technological
similarity through the use of social network analysis and for finding potential
cooperators with various technological attributes through the
strategy-positioning framework developed.

Keywords: wireless charging; technological similarity ; patent ; socialnetwork analysis

標題Article各國追趕模式與創新經濟比較: 以電腦技術專利分析的觀點

Comparing the Catch-Up Models Used in Different Innovation Economies in Different Countries from a Perspective of Computer Technology Patent Analysis

作者Aurthor張書豪 Shu-Hao Chang

中文摘要Chinese Abstract

近年來,我國面臨了創新研發動能不足、開發新科技與新概念成果有 限等困境。如何提升國家整體的創新能力,突破技術發展的瓶頸,成為我 國政府刻不容緩的問題。本文以專利分析的觀點,針對不同創新經濟體在 技術追趕模式之相似性與相異性,包括各國專利技術領域分布的結構與變 遷、專利品質與技術影響力、專利權人的分布與規模,以及專利維護情況 等,據此提出相關政策建議。本文的核心問題即是了解各個創新經濟體之 技術結構與發展途徑,選取了台灣、新加坡、南韓、中國大陸、瑞士與以 色列為觀察樣本,並以在美獲准專利為資料來源進行觀測。研究結果發現 南韓與我國無論在專利數量或技術影響力上皆相當接近,且在技術結構上 亦相似度高;而以色列與我國則在專利權人的結構與專利集中度接近,皆 屬於中小型企業比例較高且專利所有權較為分散的結構。了解各國的技術 追趕模式是重要的,包括各國的重點技術領域與專利權人結構,而透過專 利分析可以提供可靠的技術競爭情報。本文以專利分析觀察各國技術創新 能力差異,以提供給政府與相關決策者參考之用。


English Abstract

Insufficient innovative impetus, the limited development of new technologies,
and inadequate development of new concepts are problems that have troubled
Taiwan in recent years. Therefore, increasing Taiwan’s overall ability to
innovate and overcoming its technological bottlenecks are issues that must be
immediately addressed by the Taiwanese government. In this study, the
similarities and differences between catch-up models employed by different
innovation economies (in different countries) were investigated from the
perspective of patent analysis. Topics covered included the distribution and
structure of patent technology, the evolution of the patent field, patent quality
and technological impact, patentee distribution and scale, and patent
maintenance situations in individual countries. Related policy
recommendations were subsequently made based on the results obtained. The
core topic of this paper is to understand the technological structure and
development path innovation-based economies. Taiwan, Singapore, South
Korea, China, Switzerland, and Israel were selected as samples and their US
patents were employed as the data source. The study results demonstrated that
Taiwan has a similar numbers of patents, technological impact, and
technological structure as South Korea and also has similar patentee structure
(i.e., a high proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises) and patentee
concentration (i.e., scattered patent distribution) as Israel. Understanding the
technology catch-up models (containing information such as key technology
fields and patentee structure) adopted by each country is particularly crucial,
and patent analysis provides reliable technological-competition-related
information. In this study, differences in the innovative ability of different
countries were explored using patent analysis, and the results may serve as a
reference for governments and relevant departments when making related

Keywords: Patent analysis, Catch-up model, innovation economy, patent maintenance, computer technology


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