
104年科技管理學刊第二十卷第四期 民國一○四年十二月

Volume 20, Number 4 December 2015(若需下載全完請登入會員)


Product Host Selection Based on Product Differentiation for Proprietary Component Suppliers 

作者Aurthor:周雍強、葉瓊雯 Yon-Chun Chou,Chiung-Wen Yeh

中文摘要Chinese Abstract:

在零部件投注技術研發並累積智財是突破代工製造困境的重要途徑,元件 供應商在累積了智財權之後,便面臨宿主產品的選擇問題。本文從智權元件供 應商之觀點,探討這個伙伴選擇問題以及其分析方法。本文以一家元件供應商 對應到兩家差異化產品製造商的三元供應鏈結構為標的,首先探討元件供應商 是否能經由智權元件改變產品差異化的既有均衡以及潛在市場規模,而取得市 場力。在確定供應商有策略運作的機會空間之後,其次分析授權金的定價問題。 本文證明在二維垂直產品空間的雙占市場,兩家製造商在採用智權元件的 16 種 策略組合之中存在納許均衡,而智權元件供應商能利用授權金的定價影響均衡 態的有利改變,而最佳作法是授權給強勢廠商,不過強勢廠商利用智權元件加 大產品差異化,也將有外溢效果,弱勢廠商會間接受益。本研究結果一方面延 伸了產品定位理論的 MaxMin 原則,指出當加入智權元件供應商的決策行為 後,該原則必須有所修正,另一方面提出元件供應商選擇產品製造商的分析方 法與授權金定價方法。


English Abstract:

Focusing on technology development and acquiring intellectual property rights
of crucial components is an important venue of long-term development for
contract manufacturers. After accumulating sufficient property rights,
component suppliers will be faced with the issue of selecting host products.
Taking the perspective of proprietary component suppliers, this paper discusses
the problem of host product selection. We consider the problem setting of one
component supplier and two downstream product manufacturers with
differentiated products. The research question has two folds: whether
opportunities exist for the component supplier to exercise market power in
influencing the extant equilibrium in the product market; how the royalty fee
should be set in executing the market power. This paper proves that the first
question has an affirmative answer after analyzing 16 strategy combinations of
the two product firms in 2-dimensional vertical product space. Three threshold
values are derived for the royalty fee which the supplier can use to exercise the
market power in influencing the final equilibrium of competition. This research
extends the MaxMin principle by incorporating the decision behavior of the
component supplier. The analysis procedure also provides a method of strategic
planning for component suppliers in selecting downstream partners.

Keywords: Proprietary Component, Partner Selection, Product Differentiation, Duopoly, Ingredient Branding

標題Article:應用模糊語意計算於新產品開發專案評估模式建構之 研究

Applying Fuzzy Linguistic Computation on Evaluation Model for NPD Projects

作者Aurthor:陳振東、傅品溱、洪偉展 Chen-Tung Chen,Pen-Chen Fu,Wei-Zhan Hung

中文摘要Chinese Abstract:

近年來,由於全球金融風暴的影響和歐債危機的發生使得全球的經濟景氣 受到嚴重打擊,因而企業必須面臨更為嚴峻的經營挑戰。為了提高競爭優勢以 確保在激烈的競爭環境中獲利,企業必須利用科技創新觀念與技術持續推出新 的產品或服務,藉以增加營收並強化競爭力。然而,新產品開發過程可能面臨 未來技術與市場的不確定性,因此有效評估新產品開發專案的成功可能性,已 經成為企業相當重視的議題之一。事實上,在新產品開發專案成功可能性的評 估過程中亦涉及評估人員的主觀性與評估指標的質化性,使得評估人員更不易 進行決策分析。因此本研究乃利用區間二元模糊語意變數為基礎,提供彈性的 語意評估方式讓評估人員可以較真實且完整地表達其主觀的意見。進而,結合 模糊理論與多評準決策方法建構系統化的新產品開發專案成功可能性評估模 式。除此之外,本研究提出「共識距離法」以衡量多位專家評估值的共識程度, 並考量最終決策者的偏好,分別計算不同心態下的評估結果,以增加評估結果 的可靠性。藉由個案公司的實證分析結果顯示,該新產品專案成功可能性介於 「高」與「很高」之間。同時指出評估構面的改善優先順序分別為「產品商業 化」、「研發技術」、「市場行銷」、「新產品開發專案團隊」。經由實證結果顯示, 本研究所提出的語意決策評估模式不僅具有理論基礎,同時也具有實務的應用 價值。


English Abstract:

In recent years, the enterprises must face the market challenge more severely
because the global financial storm and European debt crisis happened. For
surviving in the competitive market, the enterprises should provide the new
products or services continuously to increase their competitiveness. However,
the process of new product development (NPD) may face the uncertainties of
the market and technology development in the future. In additional, the
subjective judgments of experts and the qualitative characteristics of evaluation
criteria will influence the success possibility of NPD projects. Therefore, an
effective evaluation model of NPD projects has become an important issue for
enterprises. In this study, a systematic evaluation model of NPD project is
proposed by combining interval 2-tuple linguistic variables with group multiple
criteria decision-making method. Moreover, the distance consensus method is
used in this study to measure the consensus degree of the evaluation opinions
of experts. And then, the final decision maker's preference is considered by
calculating the aggregated evaluation results with different attitudes to increase
the acceptance degree of evaluation results. Finally, a case study is
implemented by using the proposed method. The analysis results of the case
study show that the successful possibility of the NPD project for this company
is between "high" and "very high". The improvement priority of dimensions is
suggested as "product commercialization", "R&D (Research and Development)
techniques", "marketing" and "NPD teams". According to the results of the
case study, it shows that the proposed method not only can provide the
theoretical way to measure the successful possibility of NPD project but also
provide a practical value for evaluating the NPD project.

Keywords: New product development project, Multiple criteria decision making, Fuzzy set theory, Interval 2-tuple linguistic variable.


The Transaction Risks and Their Management Strategies of Patent Transactions

作者Aurthor:宋皇志 Huang-Chih Sung

中文摘要Chinese Abstract:

專利交易之研究乃智慧資本管理不可或缺之一環。由於專利權之特殊 屬性,專利權交易之風險猶較一般商品交易為高。因此研究專利交易之交 易風險及其風險控管策略,便成為智慧資本管理之學術與實務上相當重要 的課題。本研究基於法律規範並以法院判決做為實證資料,指出對於專利 受讓人或被授權人而言,專利交易之風險可以歸納出下列四大類:(1) 專利 權已當然消滅或即將消滅、(2)專利權之有效性顯有疑義、(3)專利權有權利 狀態上之瑕疵、以及(4)專利權有權利實施上之瑕疵。對於專利受讓人或被 授權人之交易風險,本文提出盡職查核與契約策略等二項風險控管機制。 首先針對前述四種類型之交易風險,研究當公司欲購買專利或接受專利授 權時,必須進行之盡職查核項目,用以確保所購買或授權專利之品質。其 次為強化前開盡職查核之功效,本文進而研究專利買受人或被授權人之契 約策略,並提出下列實質建議:(1)購買專利或接受專屬授權應避免附加同 意專利權人繼續使用專利技術之保留條款;(2)契約中應要求專利權人擔保 其專利權之存在且無瑕疵,並加入解除契約及損害賠償之條款;(3)若接受 專利授權,特別是非專屬授權後會委託他人代工或代銷時,務須徵得專利 權人或專屬被授權人之同意,於專利授權契約中載明同意再授權之條款。


English Abstract:

Based on the legal norms and many courts’ judgments, this article identifies four
categories of patent transaction risks as follows: (1) whether the patent has been
or almost expired; (2) whether the patent is likely to be held invalid; (3) whether
the patent has some defects on right’s condition; and (4) whether the patent has
some defects on right’s enforcement. Furthermore, on the ground of these
transaction risks, this article develops a standard of due diligence for patent
transaction, in order to ensure the quality of the patents to be assigned or
licensed. Moreover, in order to strengthen the achievement of the due diligence,
this article suggests some special clauses in the patent assignment or licensing
agreements as follows: (1) the agreement shouldn’t reserve a part of the patent
right on the original patent owner; (2) the agreement should contain a warranty
and an indemnification clauses; and (3) the license agreement should contain a
sub-license clause if necessary.

Keywords: intellectual capital management, patent transaction, transaction risk, risk management, due diligence, contract strategy

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